Scavenger Hunt Notes
Note-taking is typically a passive process. Make note-taking active with this simple adaptation.
*Students cannot truly listen attentively AND take notes at the same time. This is an effective, student-centered way to break that process up.
-notes with blanks (fill-in-the-blank notes, vocab with blank definitions, etc)
The Objective:
Students search for answers around the room.
To Play:
1. Before class, tape answers around the room (walls, under chairs, etc)
2. Prime students for learning with a brief lecture, video, reading selection, or direct instruction.
3. Hand out the notes.
4. Release students to search around the room for matches to the blanks on their notes. You'll see "lightbulb" moments as they recognize things from the priming lesson.
5. Go over the correct answers.
-Use with notes, vocabulary, facts and dates, sample problems and answers, and more.
-Can be used to go over answers to a worksheet--students look around the room for the answers as they solve problems or to check their answers.