Should I Stay or Should I Go Now?

Gist: Students stay or go to represent whether they agree or disagree with a statement in this variation of the On the Line strategy.
Why Do It? Students zone out and miss crucial instruction if they aren't engaged. Getting students up, out of their desks, physically responding to your questions encourages participation and increases the fun of any lesson, and you can quickly see who's got it and who doesn't. This approach requires no special materials or preparation.
-Floor tape (optional)
Set Up:
1. If using floor tape, tape a line on the floor.
To Play:
*If using the floor tape line, have all students start standing on the line.
1. During your lecture or lesson, offer a statement and ask if students agree or disagree. Students who agree should stay (at their desk or on the line), and those who disagree should go (away from the desks or off the line).
2. Discuss.
3. Repeat.
Caution and Tips:
-Taping on floors is discouraged in many schools. Check your policy before using any tape on your floor.
-If tape is approved, floor tape is the kind of tape used on atheltic facility floors to mark boundary lines. It is supposed to leave no residue behind. Floor tape is available at many sporting goods stores.
-Set clear expectations for behavior and volume. Students can do this activity in complete silence until called upon if noise is an issue.
-This is a variation of the On the Line strategy shown in the book and movie Freedom Writers.
-You can allow students to offer a persuasive arguement to try to get kids to switch sides.
-You can have students from one side interview students from another to get a different perspective than their own.